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Diploma Equivalency

close up student holding a diploma tied with red ribbon

Our company provides guidance and process follow-up services to those who want to obtain the equivalence of a bachelor's or specialization diploma in Turkey. Please see the information below for the scope, details, and fees of our services. For further information, please contact us at


Scope of Our Services

We indicate that the following procedures can be assisted for the recognition and obtaining the equivalence in Turkey for the Specialization Diplomas obtained from a foreign university. For the equivalence of Specialization in Turkey, first of all, it is obligatory to obtain an undergraduate equivalency from the Council of Higher Education (CoHE).  After the undergraduate equivalency from CoHE, T.C. Ministry of Health Specialization equivalency should be obtained. The services to be provided for those are as follows:


A Package: Services to be provided for the compulsory CoHE undergraduate equivalency and the recognition in Turkey

• Informing the candidates about the equivalence services,

• Providing the documents related to the equivalence,

• Supporting the complete and correct filling of documents,

• Obtaining notary power of attorney from the candidates in order to deliver the documents to CoHE (this fee will belong to the candidates)

• Submitting the relevant documents to CoHE,

• Notifying the candidates of the registration date and number of the submitted documents,

• To provide preliminary information about the exams to be taken.


B Package: Candidates who are successful in the CoHE undergraduate equivalency exam are also given a service by our company for the Specialization equivalency from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey like in the form of a process as in CoHE equivalency. At this stage, within the scope of the service to be offered to the candidates; there are services such as informing the candidates about the Specialization equivalence procedures, providing them with the relevant documents, supporting the complete and correct filling of the documents, and informing the candidates by submitting the documents to the the Ministry.

Important Note:

-Assisting the candidates in the above business and transactions does not mean that our company -will supply the equivalency in Turkey, it is only related to the process follow-up in Turkey. Equivalency is only given by CoHE and/or Ministry to candidates who meet the requirements if they pass the exams.



For just A package: 300 USD + VAT.

For just B package: 300 USD + VAT.

For A&B packages: 550 USD + VAT.

*50% of the above-mentioned fees will be requested from the applicant at the same time of sending the application form to our company. The remaining 50% of the fee will be requested after the submitting the relevant documents to CoHE.


How To Apply:

To receive diploma equivalency services, you can create your application by sending an e-mail to

- Please send a copy of your first payment (%50 of the application fee) slip with your e-mail.

- Please make sure the title of your email includes the service you are applying for (such as "Application for Diploma Equivalency Service - Package A")

- Please fill in the application form and attach it to your e-mail. (Please click here to download the application form.)

Note: After your application, you will be informed about the stages of the equivalence process, the steps to be followed, the necessary documents and other details via e-mail. For further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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